728 x 90

Pr. Babu George (Pathanapuram)

Address : -
Phone : +91 7736 112475, +91 7736 112375
Email : babugeorgepathanapuram@yahoo.com

1. The Goodness of Bernabas 2. Grace Qualifying the Unqalified3. No Doubt : Christ is God4. Historicity of Christ
5. Four Fellowship from Philippians 6. Your Curses shall be turn into Blessings7. Four stages of Jesus8. 3 Beliefs of Abraham
9. We are Glorifying10. Jesus lifted Up11. 5 Promises Given by God 12. 10 Spiritual Thought from Gethsemane
13. Jesus is Risen14. Vision of the Son of Man15. Peter Who Denied Jesus 16. Three Beginnings of Samson
17. On The Way18. Things Esau Lost19. Am I a Christian?20. We have to flee from 5 things
21. 5 Promises Given by God22. Why God Not Spared Them23. Behold I Make Everything New24. Blessings of the Gospel
25. Why Jesus Came?26. Give Your Spirit Into God's Hand27. Everything Completed 28. Thirst
29. With me in Paradise30. Behold Thy Son31. Father forgive Them32. Why have you forsaken me
33. No man Knows34. Jesus will Judge35. Second Coming of Jesus36. Peter was Restored
37. Come to Jesus38. Bumber Harvest39. Bones of Joseph40. New Year
41. God's Message42. Three poles Jacob Erected43. Mount of Transfiguration44. Jesus in our Home
45. The Believer's Preparation46. Give our Heart to Jesus47. Jesus Opens which none can Close48. Be Awake
49. Sharp Sword and Manna50. No Harm will Befall51. The seven deadly sins in Paradise52. Tree of Life
53. Five Things God can Do54. Four blessings from Holy Spirit55. Three people saved by Cross56. Under His Wings
57. Hope of a Believer58. What is Revival?59. Life of Three People 60. Jonah
61. Three Grace62. Why God Chose Us?63. God of Hope64. Miracle of the Bread
65. Sucide66. Meaning of Passover67. Misson of Jesus 68. Five women who influenced Moses
69. Friend of God70. Nothing is Impossible with God71. Put Your Trust In Jesus72. Jesus Loved Us
73. Abel's Offering74. Walk With God75. Mary at Jesus Feet