728 x 90

Pr. B. Monachan

Address : Faith Villa, Eruva East P.O, Kayamkulam, Kerala, Zip-690564
Phone : +91 4792445364, +91 9447016488, +91 9847253880
Email : bmonachan@gmail.com

1. Jesus is at the Door2. In God’s Hand 3. Lord will Deliver4. Fool is he who does not follow God
5. As you enter the house of God6. Fool says there is no God7. Death and Resurrection of Christ 8. The labor of Fools
9. How great is Your Goodness10. The Lesson of the Fig Tree11. Family Life-112. Family Life-2
13. Family Life-314. Family Life-415. Family Life-516. Great Tribulation
17. Away from Faith18. Church Persecution-319. Church Persecution-220. Church Persecution-1
21. Jesus Coming - Signs-222. Jesus Coming - Signs-123. Jesus Coming - Hard Times-324. Jesus Coming - Hard Times-2
25. Jesus Coming - Hard Times-126. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Jews-527. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Jews-428. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Jews-3
29. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Jews-230. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Jews-131. Jesus Coming - Signs of the Gentiles32. Jesus Coming - Signs of Nature
33. Jesus Second Coming-234. Jesus Second Coming-135. God of Jonah36. Running away from God
37. Who can Stop God?38. Glorious Christ39. Power of Prayer40. Righteous Jesus
41. Disobedient Prophet42. Let Crying People Rise Up43. Are the Guards Sleeping44. Don't go to Egypt during Drought
45. Patience is needed for getting Promise46. Right Decision47. Man Avoids but God Consider48. Right decision of Ruth
49. Stand for Truth50. Today's Selection tomorrow's Destiny51. Drought in Moab 52. Victory over Health Attacks
53. Girl was Robbed54. Accept Challenges55. God breaks every Chains56. Manushante Mahatwathee Aadharikkatha Daivam
57. Naaman's Healing58. God is Controlling the Church59. Victory from Death60. Future Glory
61. Glorious Transformation62. God's Protection63. Glorious Future64. God's Deliverance-1
65. God's Deliverance-266. True Worship67. Whom we must not Worship68. Qualities of a Worshiper
69. Who must Worship?70. Difference between Old and New Testament Worship71. God's Love72. Psalm 84
73. Church is the Body of Christ74. Everything works together for Good 75. Do all receive the Spirit of God? 76. Do you receive Holy Spirit by your Faith
77. The purpose of receiving the Holy Spirit 78. Who gives you the Holy Spirit? 79. We will Reap at the Right Time80. God without Debt
81. Who can halt what God has made?82. The Appointed Time83. God who makes everything Beautiful84. Don't use Spirituality as a Source of Income
85. Do not steal the Glory86. Do not give Satan Space 87. Desert Experience88. Spirituality makes people feel Overwhelmed
89. You are on the Path90. God Remembers You91. Everything is for Good92. Army of God
93. Do not kill your Children94. The Church as God's Vineyard 95. God’s Promise Is Not Slack96. Those who sought Jesus
97. Put on Christ 98. Church will Grow99. Put aside the deeds of Darkness100. The Unique Christ
101. Jesus Arrested102. Know that the Lord is God103. People who searched for Jesus104. Seek what is Lost
105. Power of God (Kumbanad 2014)106. Jesus is Coming Soon107. Signs of his Coming-2108. Signs of his Coming-1
109. Why are you searching for Jesus?110. I will Judge Uprightly111. Simeon, was Righteous and Devout112. Days of Noah
113. Every Eye Will See Him114. Cry Out To God115. Bringing up Children116. Bringing up Children
117. Salvation Is Near118. Did you receive the Holy Spirit?119. He is Near120. You will be Witnesses
121. Knowledge of God (Part-2)122. Knowledge of God (Part-1)123. Victory over Worries (Part-2)124. Victory over Worries (Part-1)
125. Prayer Makes Impossible Things Possible126. Jesus will Come127. Obey His Commandments128. Fear God
129. Coming of Jesus130. Evangelism 131. John at Patmos132. Coming of the Son of Man
133. How the Church can be Blessed?134. Holy Spirit